Friday, January 11, 2013

Welcome to Edinburgh

After a couple flights and a lot of sleeplessness, Dan and I have finally settled into our dorm rooms. The flights were overall pretty seamless besides the fact that I basically sat around for 24 hours. It makes being able to walk freely around Edinburgh that much sweeter. Speaking of walking, Kitchener dorm is about a 35 minute walk from the main campus. Want to know what's around the main campus? Everything. Restaurants, movie theater, classrooms, shops, everything. Paying for the bus pass is suddenly a lot more tempting. 

Dan and I got to practice the long walk to campus today. Along the way we met a student who gave us the run down on the city. Asking for advice is easy to do here. Everyone is polite and willing to answer a few questions. After the library we found a pub called Doctors. I got fish and chips because it was the right thing to do. It's possible that a local beer was included too. The beer is warmer here than in the states. I'll have to find out but I assume it's to bring out the flavors. Afterward we walked in the cold back to Kitchener to do some planning for our upcoming trips. 

It gets dark here much earlier than I am used to. In fact, it got dark around 4pm. The combination of the early sunset and a solid case of jet lag has made me exhausted. I'm calling it quits early today. 

Tomorrow we need to do some errands before we hike Arthur's Seat, a hill overlooking the city of Edinburgh. It should be spectacular. 

1 comment:

  1. Sun sets at 'half 10' in midsummer.

    Also, I've been told they keep the beer warmer because they do not yet have the technology to refrigerate it. And I'm pretty sure they still lack both Internet and cable TV.

    Also, this is Jake, I'm not sure why Google thinks I'm Jerry Jones.
