Monday, January 21, 2013

If you had the chance to change ya fate, wouldya?

It has been cold and snowing for the past few days. I'm not sure how but it actually snows horizontally here. I've learned to bundle up so it has not been uncomfortable. We spent our weekend seeing Scotland in this weather. 

Saturday morning we took a 45 minute train ride to Glasgow. It is situated on the west side of Scotland and is the largest city in Scotland. The architecture and overall feel of the city was much more harsh than the quiet, inviting city of Edinburgh. Industrial might be a better way to describe Glasgow. Dan and I took some time to see the Kelvingrove Art Gallery. The art was mixed and ranged from a Dali, to Monet's impressionism, to a locally famous stuffed elephant named Kelvin. 

Admittedly we went to the botanical gardens which are known to be good. I liked the tropical plants. We had some time to kill so I did some research on the Kerr Clan here in Scotland. Apparently the name dates back to the 1400's. 

Dan's family friends, Jeff and Liz, generously took us for a beer at the oldest bar in Glasgow called The Scotia Bar. It dates back to 1792! They also took us for tapas at a great Italian restaurant nearby. It was easily the best meal we've had since coming to Scotland. We concluded the night at the Carlos Nunez and the Royal Scottish Orchestra concert. Don't judge, it was awesome. Carlos is a bagpiper who put all the passion he could muster into each song. Let's call it a cultural experience. 

Sunday was a guided tour around the highlands of Scotland, north of Edinburgh. It was a nice way to see the beautiful countryside. Not surprisingly, sheep were everywhere. Apparently sheep outnumber Scots 5 to 1. This would explain the excess of cashmere in this country. We made a stop at the Famous Grouse distillery then spent an hour in a small town visiting a 700 year old cathedral. It was a long slow day but it was nice to see a good chunk of Scotland. 

So I got scammed the other day. The Danish Krone (10 ore coin) looks almost identical to the 1 pound coin. Words of wisdom: check your change very closely. 

London and Oxford are later this week. I'm excited to leave Scotland for the first time this trip. 

PS the accent is way thicker than this... click here

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